The members of the Phillips Academy Class of 1966 and the Abbot Academy Class of 1966, attending their 55th Reunion, pictured in front of the Commons with Head of School Dr. Raynard S. Kington.

The Phillips Academy Class of 1966 Enjoys their 55th Andover Reunion.

Dr. Ray Healey
7 min readApr 19, 2023


Topper Lynn is Honored as “Pool Man” For his Gift To the Pan Athletic Center.

by Dr. Ray Healey

[In the photos that accompany this story, the only people identified by name are either members of the Phillips Academy class of 1966 or of the Abbot Academy class of 1966.]

Dear classmates,

On Andover-Exeter weekend last November, when we gathered on campus for our (delayed) 55th PA ’66 Gathering/Reunion, Bill Littlefield started us off. Many of us were staying at the Hilton on the outskirts of Andover, and when a bunch of guys started showing up around cocktail time on Thursday night, Bill, one of the first to arrive, sent a text to a group of us saying, “I’ll be the guy talking to Al Basile.” and thus it was. Later, Al was telling Don Ross about the night that he did a music gig with B.B. King, but that’s another story.

Opening night dinner, left to right: Ric Redman, Andy Hemenway, Topper Lynn, Don Ross, Warren Baker, Jon Noll, Michael Tansey
Samuel Phillips Hall.



Dr. Ray Healey

English Lit. Professor. Novelist and short story writer. Adventurer: Pamplona Bull Running, Boston Marathon, "Deliverance" River Running, Cross Country Bike,…